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Clynsaer House has an Activities Coordinator and an Assistant Activities Coordinator who work closely with the service users and staff to maximise the range of opportunities available. There is a large onsite Activities Centre located in the grounds of the home which provides fantastic facilities including the following:


  • Woodwork – Projects have included making wooden planters for flowers around the property and making bird boxes 


  • Arts and crafts including textiles and pottery


  • Horticulture – Growing flowers, plants and vegetables in the polytunnel and raised beds


  • Cookery - Service users are supported in our training kitchen to make their own snacks and to learn to cook; such as making bread, cakes, biscuits and assisting with meal preparation


  • Computing - Service users are supported to develop their IT skills such as using the internet for research, word processing & undertaking multimedia projects such as photo editing.


  • Board games, Wii console & games (including drums and guitar), books, DVD's, CD's


  • Interactive whiteboard & projector - Used for educational classes and film nights


The Activities Centre also houses an interactive sensory room that includes fibre optic lights, calming music and a lightshow projector amongst other things. This space can be adapted so that it provides each individual service user with stimulation or a sense of calm and well-being as they require.  


Similarly, service users are supported to access and participate in local events and activities including:


  • Work experience / college & adult education classes / voluntary work at the local horse sanctuary


  • Trips to watch football matches at Swansea and Cardiff


  • Ten-pin bowling


  • Cinema & swimming trips


We believe the activities offered at the Clynsaer are unmatched by any other residential care home in South Wales. 

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Head Office: 1 Oak Croft, Bearsted, Maidstone Kent, ME14 4GF | Telephone: 0845 527 0228 | email:

Home locations: Carmarthenshire, Wales | Berkshire, England

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